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Monday, 7 May 2012

First Weekly Anglican Use Sung Mass in Toronto

With the establishment of a weekly Anglican Use Sunday Mass in Canada's largest city an important element of the New Evangelization called for by Pope Benedict begins to take shape in this city.

Anglicans, Catholics of various rites along with others not yet in communion with Rome are invited to explore the meaning of our Lord's call to unity in the Body of Christ - ut unum sint - "that they all may be one". This is the central focus of the Anglican Use Sodality of Toronto and it will be its measure of success as those seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit find a place to experience the unity and peace of full communion with the universal Church.

Amongst the roughly sixty people who attended the inaugural A.U. Mass at Sacré Coeur (Sacred Heart) Parish in downtown Toronto were those from Mennonite, Presbyterian and other Protestant backgrounds as well as former Anglicans now in communion with Rome and other Anglicans seeking a way to integrate their personal experience of the patrimonial and cultural life in Anglican communities with the doctrinal order of the Catholic Church.

The Sung Mass offered some fine examples of Anglican music and liturgy in a traditional setting. A children's catechesis was offered during the Liturgy of the Word and the children joined the congregation at the offertory. Many in attendance were under 30 years of age, some with families.

People came with many questions and stayed to discuss these along with conversation about Fr. Rodrigues' enlightening homily linking Anglicanorum Coetibus to the wider mission of the Church in its recovery and renewal of liturgical tradition at the service of renewed Catholic worship which is in tandem with the new evangelization.

Excellent patrimonial music is at the heart of the A.U. Mass and the Sodality is committed to developing this important aspect of their mission in Toronto.  The hospitality of L'abbé Justin and the parish of Sacré Coeur is greatly appreciated.

L'abbé Justin

The parish has been a French-speaking cultural island in Toronto since 1887. Now they have some confreres who hope to develop this island of Catholic witness with them, adding another of Catholicism's patrimonial gems - Anglican liturgy, music and pastoral care.

Under the mercy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and with the prayers of our patrons: Our Lady of Walsingham, St. Peter, St. John the Baptist and Blessed John Henry Newman along with the many who are coming into the Anglican Use and Ordinariate communities throughout North America we are hopeful to be used as a voice calling others to unity and as a musical voice grounded in tradition and patrimony open to the Holy Spirit and serving the New Evangelization in response to the call of our Holy Father.

laus deo

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