In the presence of cardinals, bishops and the staff of St. Mary's Seminary in Houston and along with deacons, priests with their wives and candidates for ordination for the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, Msgr Jeffrey Steenson, on the seminary stage, announced that the Holy Father has made Fr. Peter Wilkinson a prelate of honour with the title of Monsignor.
This is a wonderful recognition of Msgr Wilkinson's past service to his people in Canada as an Anglican bishop. As well, Pope Benedict has recognized the sacrifice and faithfulness Msgr Peter has shown in shepherding his people into the full communion of the Catholic Church.
With his usual humility and grace Msgr Wilkinson dedicated this honour to the clergy, their wives and the people of his former diocese now in communion with the Holy Father.
With great thanks to God the Canadian Deanery of St. John the Baptist now has a monsignor as well as a fine dean. May God bless the Deanery as we walk in the Year of Faith and give us grace to proclaim Christ to all in the New Evangelization in the unity of communion to which we are called.